Loud cheers, ‘flying’ colours and bursting energy were the order of the day of the Inter house sports meet.

Loud cheers, ‘flying’ colours and bursting energy were the order of the day of the Inter house sports meet.
“Go green, Clean and Green”
The students of St.Peter’s were privileged to take part in a rally to make Kodaikanal Clean and Green . Tag line – ” Clean Kodai Green Kodai” on 09.09.2017 (Saturday) which was organized by Rotary club of Kodaikanal. The rally was presided by the District Collector of Dindigul Dr. T. G. Vinay and Rotary President Mr.Rohan Sam Babu.
Around 700 students took part in the rally in which 350 were peterites accompanied by teachers. The starting point of the rally was from Kalaiarangam which ended at the Moonjikkal junction which was around 4 kms. The participants of the rally educated the public in keeping the city clean by holding hoardings in their hands and by distributing pamphlets.
At the end of the program, Mr.Rohan Sambabu gave a speech about keeping the city clean and the changes required in the society.
Report by Venkata of class XI