Peterskodai Archives - St Peters International School Kodaikanal St. Peter's International School Kodaikanal is an independent coeducational residential school in Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu, India. The school offers an educational programme from Kindergarten to Grade 12 and gathers together students from all parts of India and abroad. Thu, 14 Oct 2021 15:03:34 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Peterskodai Archives - St Peters International School Kodaikanal 32 32 72nd Independence Day Fri, 24 Aug 2018 08:39:14 +0000 We celebrated our 72 nd Independence day today amidst the greenery and quietness of our school

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We celebrated our 72 nd Independence day amidst the greenery and quietness of our school
The Director Mr Rohan and Principal Mr Michael Joshua hoisted our national flag.
Students gave speeches on the importance of the day and how to be good citizens.
May we always remember that with freedom comes great responsibility.

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National Level Word’sworth Spelling Bee Contest ! Tue, 14 Aug 2018 12:08:44 +0000 National Level Word'sworth Spelling Bee Contest

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We are joyous to share that two of our students – Samanthea Joey (Grade IV) and Nikishaasini (Grade V) participated in the National Level Word’sworth Spelling Bee contest and qualified, Nikishaasini stood 10th.

They both are now qualified for the International level competition which will happen soon.

We congratulate the students, their teachers and parents for their effort and interest put towards this. We wish them best as they climb up the ladder of success.

At Peter’s, we aim to identify and nurture the skills of our students. This was indeed a proud moment for the Peters family.

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Play2Learn Workshop Tue, 24 Jul 2018 13:06:11 +0000 Play2Learn Workshop

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They say all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Well, we say, what if work itself was play. That’s what our students at St. Peter’s did today. A team from Play2Learn taught our students that work is as interesting as play. Our excited and energetic students learnt fractions through a dice game, states of India and its importance by Ludo, periodic table using the game Battleship,  place values through card game, Math concepts by Mathonopoly and science through Snake and Ladder! Learning has now become fun for our students.

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Inter-school Zonal Competition Tue, 17 Jul 2018 13:29:57 +0000 The Inter-school Zonal competitions in Badminton and Table Tennis were held today at St. Peter's. The Peterites excelled and emerged victorious in the matches!

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The Inter-school Zonal competitions in Badminton and Table Tennis were held today at St. Peter’s. The Peterites excelled and emerged victorious in the matches!! 🏅🏆🎉👏🏽👏🏽
Here are the results:

Basketball 🏀
Under 14 boys – Winners
Under 17 boys – Winners
Under 19 boys – Winners
Under 14 girls – Runners Up
Under 17 girls – Winners
Under 19 girls – Winners

Table Tennis🏓
Under 14 boys – Winners (singles) Runners up (doubles)
Under 14 girls – Winners (singles) Runners up (doubles)
Under 17 boys – Winners (singles) Winners (doubles)
Under 17 girls – Winners (singles)
Under 19 boys – Winners (singles) Winners (doubles)
Under 19 girls – Winners (singles) Winners (doubles)
Join us in congratulating the winners and participants!! 😊😊👏🏽👏🏽

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Inter House Sports Meet Mon, 09 Jul 2018 10:32:07 +0000 Loud cheers, ‘flying’ colours and bursting energy were the order of the day of the Inter house sports meet.

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Loud cheers, ‘flying’ colours and bursting energy were the order of the day of the Inter house sports meet.

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Igniting Young Minds – A Rotary Initiative Wed, 12 Apr 2017 20:38:19 +0000 Rotary St.Peters school

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This article was written by Godpray and Merlin Alex of Grade XI

The Rotary Club of Kodaikanal conducted a RYLA(Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) program on the topic: “Igniting Young Minds”. Seventy students from seven different schools attended the program.

The program began with a short speech from the president of Rotary Club, Rtn. PHF Rajkumar Raman, followed by a grace by the club director Rtn. Azad. Rtn. PHF C.J. Jaswanth introduced the chief guest Rtn. Prof. Raja Govindaswamy from Thiagarajan College of Arts and Science, Madurai.

When the chief guest addressed the students, he focused on three aspects of Life i.e. personality, team spirit and leadership. He quoted, “A leader is one who organises himself before managing others”. He also gave us details on developing an effective skill set which included interpersonal and decision making skills.

The trainer for the second session was Mrs. Bala Gopal, from the National Chamber in Theni. She spoke about decision making, time management and goal setting. She also gave us an easy way of recollecting the points discussed that included the 5D’s of life which were Direction, Dedication, Determination, Discipline and Deadline. She also insisted that time lost cannot be regained again in life. Towards the end participation certificates were presented to the students.

The sessions were extremely useful and enlightening, and we were pleased to share our experience and learning with our friends.

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Lakeathon in Kodaikanal Fri, 07 Apr 2017 04:50:45 +0000 This article was written by Rino Raphael Joshy of Grade 9 A former Olympic runner once said, “Run often. Run long. But never outrun your joy of running.”  Athletics is always encouraged in St.Peters and as a result, the students participated in a recent marathon conducted in the town. On Saturday, the 25th of February 2017, Read the full article...

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This article was written by Rino Raphael Joshy of Grade 9

A former Olympic runner once said, “Run often. Run long. But never outrun your joy of running.”  Athletics is always encouraged in St.Peters and as a result, the students participated in a recent marathon conducted in the town.

On Saturday, the 25th of February 2017, there was a marathon around the Kodaikanal lake which was conducted by the Rotary Club of Kodaikanal. Many schools in and around Kodaikanal participated in the Lakeathon.

Mr. Praveen, an athletics coach from Chennai, began the Lakeathon by providing a brief introduction on the objective of the event and a few tips to follow while running. Our own St. Peter’s coach Mr. Baskar made all the participants do some warm up exercises before the race and later warm down after the race.

The race took place in three different categories Under 14, Under 17 and Under 19. Our school coach Mr. Baskar trained us well. As a result, in the Under 19 category Vikram G. of Class 11 won second place. Though it was challenging to run around the lake, all participants from St. Peters ran till the end of the race and successfully completed it. This reminds me of a quote that I recently read – Finishing a marathon is a state of mind that says ‘Anything is Possible’.

On completion of the race, prizes were handed over to the winners. Mr. Praveen also advised the participants on how they could relax their muscles after running a marathon and added that one needs to persistently practice running. Finally Rtn. Satha Sathish ended the event with a vote of thanks.

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