We have reached another milestone on our path ….!!!
St.Peters is now certified to offer the CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL SYLLABUS
It is indeed a big Turning Point for the school
We are now proud to call ourselves
Cambridge IGCSE is the world’s most popular international qualification for 14 to 16 year olds. It is recognised by leading universities and employers worldwide, and is an international passport to progression and success. Developed over 25 years ago, it is tried, tested and trusted by schools worldwide.
Cambridge IGCSE offers a flexible curriculum, with a choice of over 70 subjects in any combination.
Classroom support
Schools can draw on a wealth of teaching and learning resources and training for Cambridge IGCSE.
Assessment takes place at the end of the course and includes written, oral, coursework and practical assessment.
Leading universities and employers worldwide accept Cambridge IGCSE as evidence of academic ability.
Cambridge IGCSE provides a diverse curriculum catering to 21st century learning.
Admissions are open for the IGCSE syllabus for the school year 2016-2017
Please send admissions enquiries to us on: admissions@peterskodai.com or through our website https://petersschoolkodai.com/